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Fruit ripening time: Late April - Early May


A lovely small sized apple, with a good crunch. The flesh is white and mildly sweet, with a distinct, rich flavour and tang.


Orange and red blush over a green background.


It originated in Tasmania – the Apple Isle, in the 1830s.



Uses: Great as a fresh eating apple, as well as cooking, drying and freezing.  Also useful in cider production, as it adds a complex flavour. This apple stores moderately well.


Tree Size: 

Dwarf: Can be kept to 1.5 m and grown in containers. Must be staked.


Semi-dwarf: 3 - 5 m tall, depending on shape 


Pollinators: Akané, Belle Cacheuse, Braeburn, Bonza, Cleopatra, Cornish Aromatic, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Democrat, Fuji, Freyberg, Gala, Geeveston Fanny, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Laxton’s Fortune, Prince Alfred, Red Delicious, Sturmer, Worcester Pearmain, Yarlington Mill, and white flowering Crabapples.


Flowering Group 3



    Deciduous Rootstock and Tree Specialists

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