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Fruit ripening time: April


In England, Bramley’s Seedling is considered the definitive cooking apple. A very popular apple with a rich history, it is still widely cultivated and highly sought after. The high acidity and strong flavour will lend well to any apple dish, and Bramley’s will cook to a light and fluffy puree.


Bramley’s apples are large, slightly bigger than a Granny Smith. Their colour is a vivid green skin with a red-brown blush on the sunny side. The flesh is creamy-white and firm, and as expected for a cooking apple, is very tart and acidic.


A very vigorous apple tree, which is easy to grow and is a good, heavy bearer.


A partial tip bearer. Good resistance to black spot.


Uses: One of the worlds best cooking apples. Used in pies and crumbles, sauces and chutneys. A useful addition to cider. Can be eaten fresh, as a palate cleanser. Excellent storing properties when refrigerated.


Tree Size:

Dwarf: Can be kept to 2 m and grown in containers. Must be staked.


Semi-dwarf: 3 - 5 m tall, depending on shape


Pollinators: Akané, Belle Cacheuse, Braeburn, Bonza, Cleopatra, Cornish Aromatic, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Democrat, Fuji, Fryburg, Gala, Geeveston Fanny, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Laxton’s Fortune, Prince Alfred, Red Delicious, Sturmer, Worcester Pearmain, Yarlington Mill, and white flowering Crabapples.


Flowering Group 3 and a TRIPLOID variety, producing no viable pollen itself and requiring pollination from 2-3 different pollinators.

Bramley's Seedling

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    Deciduous Rootstock and Tree Specialists

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    We are a small, family-owned business, operating in the gorgeous Huon Valley, Tasmania. 

    We love what we do and we pride ourselves in offering quality rootstock and trees for your garden and business

    When you buy from us, you are buying direct from your local grower, ensuring you get the highest quality products and the best prices.


    41 Twin Rivers Lane,
    Grove TAS 7109

    We are an on-line business.
    Local pickup is by appointment only.

    We are a production nursery and farm and we grow what we sell, through every stage, from the rootstock to tree.

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