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Fruit ripening time: January


A mild flavoured, juicy apple with a sprightly, acidic taste, and a balance of sweetness when ripe.


When picked at their peak, the flavour is lovely for fresh eating. When picked early, the tartness and acidity of the green apples makes the perfect apple sauce.


The fruit are medium in size, with a very thin, pale green skin that is almost transparent. The flesh is white and often described as glassy.


One of the earliest apples to ripen, and depending on your area, can ripen as early as Christmas!


Uses: Good fresh eating. Perfect for a memorable apple sauce. Excellent for baking, good for drying and juicing. Short storage life.


All early apple varieties tend to have a short window of ripe perfection, and a short storage life once ripe.


Tree Size: 

Dwarf: Can be kept to 1.5 meters and grown in containers


Semi-dwarf: 3 - 5 meters tall, depending on shape 


Pollinators: Belle Cacheuse, Bulmer’s Norman, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Cripps Pink, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Kingston Black, Lady in the Snow, Sundowner, Sweetman, early white flowering Crabapples especially Manchurian Crabapple.


Flowering Group 2


White Transparent

Out of Stock

    Deciduous Rootstock and Tree Specialists

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